DataLife Engine

DataLife Engine (DLE) website and content management system. Official site of a multi-user news CMS for media organization. Website engine.

Other CMS / CMS

Top 1M Market Share

Usage Statistics

Market Share

The market share for DataLife Engine decreased by 0.04 percentage points (from 0.124% to 0.084%) for all sites, more than any other segment during the same period of time.

Top 1K sitesTop 10K sitesTop 100K sitesTop 1M sitesAll Sites
Market Share
% Change

DataLife Engine Versions

Major Versions

  • v9 (56.15%)
  • v14 (30.64%)
  • v13 (4.037%)
  • v10 (9.174%)
  • Unknown

Minor Versions

  • v9.5 (56.15%)
  • v14.0 (30.64%)
  • v13.3 (0.917%)
  • v13.1 (3.119%)
  • v10.6 (1.284%)
  • v10.5 (1.651%)
  • v10.4 (4.954%)
  • v10.3 (0.917%)
  • v10.2 (0.367%)
  • Unknown

Top Level Domains

Websites using DataLife Engine were found on 113 top level domains

  • Russia (.ru) (31.18%)
  • Commercial (.com) (16.62%)
  • Network (.net) (10.06%)
  • Organization (.org) (4.471%)
  • Ukraine (.ua) (4.242%)
  • Info (.info) (2.794%)
  • Kazakhstan (.kz) (2.293%)
  • Online (.online) (2.121%)
  • Azerbaijan (.az) (1.892%)
  • Belarus (.by) (1.784%)
  • Iran (.ir) (1.705%)
  • Club (.club) (1.605%)
  • Soviet Union (.su) (1.433%)
  • Montenegro (.me) (1.161%)
  • Tuvalu (.tv) (1.154%)
  • Pro (.pro) (1.132%)
  • Georgia (.ge) (1.111%)
  • Top (.top) (1.089%)
  • Russia (Cyrillic) (.рф) (1.01%)
  • Site (.site) (0.982%)
  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands (.cc) (0.903%)
  • XYZ (.xyz) (0.896%)
  • Biz (.biz) (0.86%)
  • Uzbekistan (.uz) (0.745%)
  • Columbia (.co) (0.602%)
  • Palau (.pw) (0.315%)
  • Latvia (.lv) (0.294%)
  • One (.one) (0.294%)
  • Live (.live) (0.251%)
  • Mobi (.mobi) (0.251%)
  • Samoa (.ws) (0.236%)
  • Moldova (.md) (0.236%)
  • Tajikistan (.tj) (0.222%)
  • Germany (.de) (0.222%)
  • India (.in) (0.215%)
  • Poland (.pl) (0.172%)
  • Italy (.it) (0.165%)
  • Life (.life) (0.165%)
  • Kyrgyzstan (.kg) (0.158%)
  • European Union (.eu) (0.143%)
  • British Indian Ocean Territory (.io) (0.129%)
  • Estonia (.ee) (0.122%)
  • Space (.space) (0.122%)
  • Lithuania (.lt) (0.115%)
  • France (.fr) (0.1%)
  • Mongolia (.mn) (0.1%)
  • Website (.website) (0.1%)
  • Today (.today) (0.093%)
  • News (.news) (0.093%)
  • Christmas Island (.cx) (0.093%)
  • 63 Others (1.748%)

Related Technologies

Complementary Technologies

Nginx Web Server 7,746 DataLife Engine vs. Nginx
Cloudflare CDN 4,592 DataLife Engine vs. Cloudflare
Google Hosted Libraries CDN 918 DataLife Engine vs. Google Hosted Libraries
LiteSpeed Web Server 514 DataLife Engine vs. LiteSpeed
cdnjs CDN 350 DataLife Engine vs. cdnjs
Ubuntu Operating System 315 DataLife Engine vs. Ubuntu
CentOS Operating System 274 DataLife Engine vs. CentOS
MySQL Database 219 DataLife Engine vs. MySQL
jQuery CDN CDN 214 DataLife Engine vs. jQuery CDN
OpenResty Web Server 209 DataLife Engine vs. OpenResty
WordPress Blog / CMS 194 DataLife Engine vs. WordPress

Popular Sites Using DataLife Engine

We detected the following sites were using DataLife Engine

How We Detect Installations of DataLife Engine


A CMS will sometimes include a meta tag within the html of each page. This is usually a "generator" tag like <meta name="generator" content="What CMS" /> but could also be "application-name", "Powered-By" or anyting else the CMS creators decide to use.


HTTP headers can provide some of the best clues about a site's CMS. The values of set-cookie and x-powered-by headers are the most common and easiest to find.


If a CMS doesn't have meta tags, it will often have other uniquely identifiable html markup. This can range from unique html comments, ids or classes.


Similar to identifiable html markup, a CMS will sometimes insert unique Javascript code into web pages.


In addition to detecting the CMS, in some cases we are able to accurately detect which version of the CMS is being used.

Dedicated Content Management System Detection