Vanilla Forums

Engage your customers with a vibrant and modern online customer community forum. A customer community helps to increases loyalty, reduce support costs and deliver feedback.
Other CMS / CMS
Usage Statistics
Market Share
The market share for Vanilla Forums decreased by 0.003 percentage points (from 0.005% to 0.002%) for all sites, more than any other segment during the same period of time.
| Top 1K sites | Top 10K sites | Top 100K sites | Top 1M sites | All Sites |
Market Share | | | | | |
Websites | 1 | 21 | 92 | 209 | 509 |
% Change | -66.67% | -22.22% | -13.82% | -21.43% | -60% |
Vanilla Forums Versions
Major Versions
- v2 (99.48%)
- Unknown (0.525%)
Minor Versions
- v2.8 (27.74%)
- v2.2 (23.24%)
- v2.1 (4.798%)
- v2.0 (43.7%)
- Unknown (0.525%)
Top Level Domains
Websites using Vanilla Forums were found on 41 top level domains
- Commercial (.com) (62.07%)
- Organization (.org) (7.126%)
- Network (.net) (4.138%)
- United Kingdom (.uk) (2.529%)
- Russia (.ru) (2.529%)
- Czech Republic (.cz) (2.069%)
- British Indian Ocean Territory (.io) (1.379%)
- Germany (.de) (1.379%)
- Poland (.pl) (1.379%)
- Australia (.au) (1.149%)
- Spain (.es) (1.149%)
- Netherlands (.nl) (0.92%)
- European Union (.eu) (0.92%)
- Argentina (.ar) (0.92%)
- Canada (.ca) (0.92%)
- France (.fr) (0.92%)
- Columbia (.co) (0.69%)
- Sri Lanka (.lk) (0.46%)
- Club (.club) (0.46%)
- Indonesia (.id) (0.46%)
- Ukraine (.ua) (0.46%)
- Italy (.it) (0.46%)
- Austria (.at) (0.46%)
- Mexico (.mx) (0.46%)
- Belgium (.be) (0.46%)
- Finland (.fi) (0.46%)
- Brazil (.br) (0.46%)
- Greece (.gr) (0.23%)
- Laos (.la) (0.23%)
- India (.in) (0.23%)
- China (.cn) (0.23%)
- Lithuania (.lt) (0.23%)
- Romania (.ro) (0.23%)
- Kazakhstan (.kz) (0.23%)
- Info (.info) (0.23%)
- Montenegro (.me) (0.23%)
- Education (.edu) (0.23%)
- United States of America (.us) (0.23%)
- Denmark (.dk) (0.23%)
- Thailand (.th) (0.23%)
- Switzerland (.ch) (0.23%)
Related Technologies
Complementary Technologies
Vanilla Forums depends on 1 technology
0 technologies depend on Vanilla Forums
Popular Sites Using Vanilla Forums
We detected the following sites were using Vanilla Forums
How We Detect Installations of Vanilla Forums
HTTP headers can provide some of the best clues about a site's CMS. The values of set-cookie and x-powered-by headers are the most common and easiest to find.
If a CMS doesn't have meta tags, it will often have other uniquely identifiable html markup. This can range from unique html comments, ids or classes.
In addition to detecting the CMS, in some cases we are able to accurately detect which version of the CMS is being used.