
Manage your photo library with Piwigo! Free and open source software to organize and share your photos and digital media on the web.
Other CMS / CMS
Usage Statistics
Market Share
The market share for Piwigo increased by 0.001 percentage points (from 0.004% to 0.005%) for top 1m sites, more than any other segment for the same time period.
| Top 1K sites | Top 10K sites | Top 100K sites | Top 1M sites | All Sites |
Market Share | | | | | |
Websites | 2 | 4 | 23 | 62 | 696 |
% Change | 100% | 100% | 200% | 25% | n/a |
Top Level Domains
Websites using Piwigo were found on 60 top level domains
- Commercial (.com) (27.85%)
- Austria (.at) (9.927%)
- Germany (.de) (8.475%)
- France (.fr) (7.748%)
- Network (.net) (7.022%)
- Organization (.org) (4.358%)
- Netherlands (.nl) (2.421%)
- Denmark (.dk) (2.421%)
- Info (.info) (2.179%)
- European Union (.eu) (1.937%)
- Australia (.au) (1.937%)
- United Kingdom (.uk) (1.211%)
- Belgium (.be) (1.211%)
- Italy (.it) (1.211%)
- Spain (.es) (1.211%)
- Canada (.ca) (0.969%)
- Russia (.ru) (0.969%)
- Switzerland (.ch) (0.969%)
- New Zealand (.nz) (0.969%)
- Poland (.pl) (0.969%)
- Iran (.ir) (0.726%)
- Hungary (.hu) (0.726%)
- Brazil (.br) (0.726%)
- Chile (.cl) (0.726%)
- Indonesia (.id) (0.484%)
- Sweden (.se) (0.484%)
- United States of America (.us) (0.484%)
- Cat (.cat) (0.484%)
- XYZ (.xyz) (0.484%)
- Mexico (.mx) (0.484%)
- Columbia (.co) (0.484%)
- Lithuania (.lt) (0.484%)
- Finland (.fi) (0.484%)
- Argentina (.ar) (0.484%)
- Space (.space) (0.242%)
- Belarus (.by) (0.242%)
- Ukraine (.ua) (0.242%)
- Central African Republic (.cf) (0.242%)
- Mali (.ml) (0.242%)
- One (.one) (0.242%)
- Slovenia (.si) (0.242%)
- Czech Republic (.cz) (0.242%)
- Tech (.tech) (0.242%)
- Tokelau (.tk) (0.242%)
- China (.cn) (0.242%)
- Greece (.gr) (0.242%)
- Romania (.ro) (0.242%)
- Peru (.pe) (0.242%)
- Biz (.biz) (0.242%)
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands (.cc) (0.242%)
- 10 Others (2.421%)
Related Technologies
Complementary Technologies
Piwigo depends on 0 technologies
0 technologies depend on Piwigo
Popular Sites Using Piwigo
We detected the following sites were using Piwigo
How We Detect Installations of Piwigo
A CMS will sometimes include a meta tag within the html of each page. This is usually a "generator" tag like <meta name="generator" content="What CMS" /> but could also be "application-name", "Powered-By" or anyting else the CMS creators decide to use.
HTTP headers can provide some of the best clues about a site's CMS. The values of set-cookie and x-powered-by headers are the most common and easiest to find.
If a CMS doesn't have meta tags, it will often have other uniquely identifiable html markup. This can range from unique html comments, ids or classes.