
LiveRez goes beyond standard vacation rental management software. Replace your accounting software, booking software, CRM, and operations software.

E-commerce / CMS

Usage Statistics

Market Share

The market share for LiveRez increased by 0.0009 percentage points (from 0.0001% to 0.001%) for all sites, more than any other segment for the same time period.

Top 1K sitesTop 10K sitesTop 100K sitesTop 1M sitesAll Sites
Market Sharen/an/an/a
% Changen/an/a

Top Level Domains

Websites using LiveRez were found on 3 top level domains

  • Commercial (.com) (97.2%)
  • Network (.net) (2.098%)
  • United States of America (.us) (0.699%)

Related Technologies

Complementary Technologies

Cloudflare CDN 144 LiveRez vs. Cloudflare
cdnjs CDN 12 LiveRez vs. cdnjs
Zendesk Documentation / Issue Tracker / CMS 6 LiveRez vs. Zendesk
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Framework 5 LiveRez vs. Microsoft ASP.NET
PHP Programming Language 4 LiveRez vs. PHP
MySQL Database 2 LiveRez vs. MySQL
WordPress Blog / CMS 2 LiveRez vs. WordPress
Nginx Web Server 2 LiveRez vs. Nginx
Java Programming Language 2 LiveRez vs. Java
Ubuntu Operating System 1 LiveRez vs. Ubuntu
Apache HTTP Server Web Server 1 LiveRez vs. Apache HTTP Server

How We Detect Installations of LiveRez


HTTP headers can provide some of the best clues about a site's CMS. The values of set-cookie and x-powered-by headers are the most common and easiest to find.

Dedicated Content Management System Detection