
SeoToaster is the most advanced SEO CMS and e-commerce website builder that can be used right out of the box, with no plug-ins required. SeoToaster features an unique bundle of a powerful and intuitive CMS, fully integrated shopping cart software, and complex sale or B2B e-commerce quote engine configurable in 60 seconds or less, combined with powerful automated organic search engine marketing. It is an open source and FREE CMS that is customizable at will.

Other CMS / CMS

Usage Statistics

Market Share

The market share for SeoToaster increased by 0.001 percentage points (from % to 0.001%) for top 1m sites, more than any other segment for the same time period.

Top 1K sitesTop 10K sitesTop 100K sitesTop 1M sitesAll Sites
Market Sharen/an/an/a
% Changen/an/an/a

Top Level Domains

Websites using SeoToaster were found on 16 top level domains

  • Commercial (.com) (62.69%)
  • France (.fr) (14.93%)
  • United Kingdom (.uk) (5.224%)
  • Ukraine (.ua) (2.239%)
  • Tanzania (.tz) (2.239%)
  • Italy (.it) (2.239%)
  • Chile (.cl) (2.239%)
  • Network (.net) (1.493%)
  • Organization (.org) (1.493%)
  • Denmark (.dk) (0.746%)
  • Switzerland (.ch) (0.746%)
  • Monaco (.mc) (0.746%)
  • Australia (.au) (0.746%)
  • Czech Republic (.cz) (0.746%)
  • Madagascar (.mg) (0.746%)
  • Columbia (.co) (0.746%)

Related Technologies

Complementary Technologies

PHP Programming Language 130 SeoToaster vs. PHP
Nginx Web Server 109 SeoToaster vs. Nginx
Google Hosted Libraries CDN 84 SeoToaster vs. Google Hosted Libraries
Apache HTTP Server Web Server 18 SeoToaster vs. Apache HTTP Server
Cloudflare CDN 16 SeoToaster vs. Cloudflare
Ubuntu Operating System 8 SeoToaster vs. Ubuntu
MySQL Database 8 SeoToaster vs. MySQL
WordPress Blog / CMS 8 SeoToaster vs. WordPress
cdnjs CDN 8 SeoToaster vs. cdnjs
Unpkg CDN 5 SeoToaster vs. Unpkg
LiteSpeed Web Server 5 SeoToaster vs. LiteSpeed

Popular Sites Using SeoToaster

We detected the following sites were using SeoToaster

How We Detect Installations of SeoToaster


If a CMS doesn't have meta tags, it will often have other uniquely identifiable html markup. This can range from unique html comments, ids or classes.

Dedicated Content Management System Detection