Pars Elecom Portal

Pars Alkam Portal is an excellent web-based management system that helps you build portals, websites and other web-based applications, as well as enables easy management and dissemination of content. It has a wide range of features and tools. Allows easy software expansion.

Other CMS / CMS

Usage Statistics

Market Share

The market share for Pars Elecom Portal decreased by 0.0001 percentage points (from 0.0001% to 0.0%) for all sites, more than any other segment during the same period of time.

Top 1K sitesTop 10K sitesTop 100K sitesTop 1M sitesAll Sites
Market Sharen/an/an/an/an/a
% Changen/an/an/a

Related Technologies


Pars Elecom Portal depends on 3 technologies
Microsoft ASP.NETIISWindows Server


0 technologies depend on Pars Elecom Portal

Dedicated Content Management System Detection