More Accurate Detections


We're always looking for ways to improve our detection methods, and we feel pretty good about the current quality. Well, we felt pretty good until we came across this article on It's not bad news, we tied for first with two other detectors.

The author, Petr Svihlik, tested ten different CMS detectors on "well-known websites running on almost 20 different CMSes". His tests found that our detection rate, along with the other two top detectors, was 84%. It's a respectable number, but as a perfectionist, I'd like to see it higher and I'd really like to know where our detector missed a CMS.

So, I reached out to Petr, and even though he's out of the office right now, a coworker of his has responded with the assurance that Petr will get back to me. So cross your fingers! Hopefully we'll have some answers to how our detector missed some CMSes and some solid data for improving our algorithms!

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Dedicated Content Management System Detection