Manage Loja Mestre

Thanks for your interest in managing the Loja Mestre listing. To provide complete control to your team without requiring complicated authentication or permissions, managing listings on WhatCMS is accomplished by uploading a JSON file to your own website.

JSON File Location

Note: once your JSON file is uploaded, it may take up to 7 days for your changes to appear. Therefore, it's a good idea to use our validator below to make sure

JSON Schema


Describe Loja Mestre for WhatCMS users.

By default, WhatCMS uses the value of the <meta name="description"...> from the techonology's website. HTML is not permitted but newlines will be converted to paragraph breaks. Maximum 1,000 characters.

urlStringThe url to display for the listing. The current value for Loja Mestre is not set.
twitterStringThe Twitter account name. The current value for Loja Mestre is LojaMestre.
facebookStringThe Facebook account name. The current value for Loja Mestre is Lojamestre.
instagramStringThe Instagram account name. The current value for Loja Mestre is lojamestreoficial.
youtubeStringThe Youtube channel name. The current value for Loja Mestre is UCRYf1hJ9YzgqYinaFDOr6Eg.

Validate & Preview

Dedicated Content Management System Detection