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A repository of unlimited content and a flexible development platform. A single hub for all your content to manage with a variety of features. Build your custom solution and let sensenet do the rest! Enjoy the increased ease of use via sensenet as a service!

Melody is an open source content management and publishing system derived from the popular blogging tool Movable Type. Melody is for those who find value in belonging to, supporting and contributing to a community of helpful, passionate and devoted users, but it is also for people who want a secure, proven and high quality publishing environment for their personal web site or their business. - GitHub - openmelody/melody: Melody is an open source content management and publishing system derived from the popular blogging tool Movable Type. Melody is for those who find value in belonging to, supporting and contributing to a community of helpful, passionate and devoted users, but it is also for people who want a secure, proven and high quality publishing environment for their personal web site or their business.

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